We might call them love handles, but the truth is, we hate them. Slowly they sneak up on us and once there they are so hard to get rid of. Getting rid of love handles is not about spot targeting but about over all fitness and motivation.Performing the Standing Twist is another highly recommended exercise as it not only targets the obliques but is a great aerobic exercise that adds cardio to your workout routine. Start by standing with your feet about a foot apart and relax at your knees. Keep your hips and legs stable and twist the torso to the left, crossing your right arm in front. Twist back to the right, and cross your left arm.
Let's start with our diets. All excess calories should be cut out.To help get rid of love handles, your back also needs to be good shape. Leg flutters help to balance your torso and also reduces back fat. Lay on your stomach and lift your head slightly. Arms can be either straight out at your side or bent at your elbows. Lift your feet and legs off the floor and flutter your legs rapidly as if you were swimming.
Processed foods should be avoided at all costs as should fried foods and sweets. Add healthy fruits and vegetables and stick to white meat or lean red. You won't see any results if the extra weight is not lost. Follow a health care provider's recommendation for how many calories you should be taking in per day. Changing your diet also provides health benefits more than just helping to get rid of love handles. A healthy diet will promote better cardiovascular health and help prevent diseases like diabetes.
The best way to help with weight lose is adding exercise to your daily routines.Leg flutters help to balance your torso and also reduces back fat. Lay on your stomach and lift your head slightly. Arms can be either straight out at your side or bent at your elbows. Lift your feet and legs off the floor and flutter your legs rapidly as if you were swimming. Cardio exercises increase your heart rate and starts burning down calories. Your exercise must be kept consistent to really start seeing results. Team up with a trainer or another motivated friend and try to build a workout routine that you enjoy. If you dread going to the gym you will find a reason not to go.
We might call them love handles, but the truth is, we hate them. If you dread going to the gym you will find a reason not to go.Start the same way you did the basic crunch. As you rise though, lift your left knee off the floor and bring it toward your chest while at the same time, twist your right arm toward the left knee.
Repeat with the other side.Slowly they sneak up on us and once there they are so hard to get rid of. Getting rid of love handles is not about spot targeting but about over all fitness and motivation.Once you're eating a healthier diet and are doing a consistent workout routine, you can begin to target getting rid of those love handles you hate.
Crunches are a great way to target love handles. Crunches will tone that midsection and create a sexier, slimmer middle. Start performing the crunch by laying flat on your back. Place your arms and hands across your chest, set your feet on the floor with knees bent.Slowly they sneak up on us and once there they are so hard to get rid of.
Getting rid of love handles is not about spot targeting but about over all fitness and motivation.Once you're eating a healthier diet and are doing a consistent workout routine, you can begin to target getting rid of those love handles you hate. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor toward your knees. Exhale at the top of the crunch, inhale as you move back down to the floor.
The twisting crunch is another great exercise and targets your sides. Cardio exercises increase your heart rate and starts burning down calories. Your exercise must be kept consistent to really start seeing results. Team up with a trainer or another motivated friend and try to build a workout routine that you enjoy. If you dread going to the gym you will find a reason not to go.Start the same way you did the basic crunch. As you rise though, lift your left knee off the floor and bring it toward your chest while at the same time, twist your right arm toward the left knee. Repeat with the other side.
To help get rid of love handles, your back also needs to be good shape. Processed foods should be avoided at all costs as should fried foods and sweets. Add healthy fruits and vegetables and stick to white meat or lean red. You won't see any results if the extra weight is not lost. Follow a health care provider's recommendation for how many calories you should be taking in per day.
Changing your diet also provides health benefits more than just helping to get rid of love handles. A healthy diet will promote better cardiovascular health and help prevent diseases like diabetes.Leg flutters help to balance your torso and also reduces back fat. Lay on your stomach and lift your head slightly. Arms can be either straight out at your side or bent at your elbows. Lift your feet and legs off the floor and flutter your legs rapidly as if you were swimming.
Performing the Standing Twist is another highly recommended exercise as it not only targets the obliques but is a great aerobic exercise that adds cardio to your workout routine. All excess calories should be cut out. Processed foods should be avoided at all costs as should fried foods and sweets. Add healthy fruits and vegetables and stick to white meat or lean red. You won't see any results if the extra weight is not lost.
Follow a health care provider's recommendation for how many calories you should be taking in per day. Changing your diet also provides health benefits more than just helping to get rid of love handles. A healthy diet will promote better cardiovascular health and help prevent diseases like diabetes.Start by standing with your feet about a foot apart and relax at your knees. Keep your hips and legs stable and twist the torso to the left, crossing your right arm in front. Twist back to the right, and cross your left arm.
Remember, consistency is vital to getting rid of love handles. Create a routine you can easily stick to and enjoy and you'll be losing your muffin tops in no time!