The best way to pay homage to the bean is through the traditional cuisine of different countries: American Senate bean soup, Northern Italian white bean salad, Greek green bean dish, South East Asian soy bean curd, and the universal canned or homemade baked beans, of course.A member of the large legume family, which is a great source of vital proteins, vitamins and minerals, beans are storehouses of energy and nutrition.A lady, on purchasing a bunch of stink beans, was overheard saying that by the time she reached home, the beans would all be finished! This snacking on, popping out fresh beans from pod capsules into the mouth is nonetheless an acquired taste. Nevertheless, bean in pod is protected food, which makes it one up on powdered or loose beans.
Stink Beans (Parkia speciosa)
A lady, on purchasing a bunch of stink beans, was overheard saying that by the time she reached home, the beans would all be finished! This snacking on, popping out fresh beans from pod capsules into the mouth is nonetheless an acquired taste.
This bean is closely bound up with the operation of your cognitive faculties, for instance: the tryptophan content can treat a depression with better brain chemistry; both the inorganic potassium and organic vitamin B support the nervous system; while Vitamin A improves learning abilities.
Besides, it contains potassium that helps control blood pressure; and iron which makes hemoglobin within the blood, and thus fights anemia.
With so many beneficial properties rolled into one bean, no wonder it is hailed as a potential phyto-medicinal hero. However, it is a herculean task to lay your hands on those bean clusters dangling on a tree which only puts down roots in remote jungles.
Red Long Beans (Vigna unguiculata)
A natural source of folates, red long beans help in DNA synthesis, which enables growth; and replication, that allows proteins carry out their tasks in cells.The best way to pay homage to the bean is through the traditional cuisine of different countries: American Senate bean soup, Northern Italian white bean salad, Greek green bean dish, South East Asian soy bean curd, and the universal canned or homemade baked beans, of course.
With a good amount of vitamin C. a powerful water-soluble antioxidant, it boosts your immune system and maintain flexible, healthy blood vessels.A lady, on purchasing a bunch of stink beans, was overheard saying that by the time she reached home, the beans would all be finished! This snacking on, popping out fresh beans from pod capsules into the mouth is nonetheless an acquired taste.
In addition, its rich vitamin A supply maintains healthy cells in mucous membranes and improves your vision. Further, carotenoids, as indicated by the red bean color, can turn into Vitamin A to give your complexion that healthy glow.
To tap all these synergistic effects, Vivienne, a friend, eats noodle beans straight off the vine, avoiding single supplements that pale in nutritive comparison.
Hyacinth Beans (Lablab purpureus)
This flat, broad bean is a rich source of dietary fiber, folic acid, and potassium. However compared to the stink and red long beans, the lablab bean has lesser protein, vitamins and minerals. Most importantly, It must be properly cooked as the heat drives away the glucosides toxin.
In contrast to the healing power of the other two beans, it treats diseases at the micro level. It is good for inflammations like ear pain, sore-throat. eczema, and abscesses The hyacinth bean can also offset fever and sunstroke in haze situations. A help to the digestive system, it offers a simple remedy for stomach disorders.
The long bean and hyacinth bean vines are some of the most beautiful plants for your garden while the stink bean tree is as majestically imposing as the sky, surveying the scene from its great height.